Monday, March 31, 2008

Lecture 4

Melbourne skyline

Every city in the world has an identity and that identity is often represented by its skyline.

While working on a tender for urban planning in Dubai - I was discussing the concept of melbourne's skyline with a city planner.
It arose that one of the major issues with dubai as a city, was its lack of identity. That all the buildings being produced, no matter how amazing, where not set up in a structured way and this was distorting to the cities skyline. I was told that a skyline needs to appear highest in the city centre, and as you move out to the suburbs that the buildings need to become smaller. There are even building height regulations currently in place to protect the visual appearance of the Melbourne's skyline.

I think it is these aesthetics that become trivial when looking at a country like Cuba. They no longer worry about 'branding' their city but instead worrying about the people that live within it. As our population grows, we may need to consider the idea of multiple CBD's in order to minimise population issues.

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